Friday, January 30, 2009

Our New House in Cambodia

Jeffrey Reporting

The house has mosquito nets. The protect us from the mosquitoes when we sleep. We have 2 kitchen areas in our house; one for cooking and one for dry storage. In our house, we have 3 stories, but they are smaller than the usual 2 story house in the U.S.A. We don't have wireless internet here, so we can't do much on the internet. We don't have trash cans, so we use baskets as a trash can. The shelves are made out of rattan, so these shelves are unstable. At the 3rd floor, there is a homeschool/entertainment section. There is a TV in this room for entertainment. I will make a video tour of our new home and hope to post it soon!

Our New House

Michael Reporting

My new house in Cambodia is a lot different from my old house in the U.S.A. It is 3 stories high, it has ice cold showers, a balcony, and a small kitchen that is seperated from the cooking room in the back of the house. The living room is so big that we put the eating room there too. We also have a TV Room which is also the home school room. That's all kids! Bye, or as they say in Khmer, "leahaey!' 

Friday, January 23, 2009

Our Grandma's House in Cambodia - Kitchen

Our Grandma's Kitchen
Michael Reporting

[Photo by Michael]

The kitchen at my grandma’s house is very poor. It’s not like a U.S.A. kitchen. It used to be a cow pen for my uncle’s cow. They turned it into a kitchen after he sold his cow. It does not have a fridge, light, or air conditioning. The floor is dirt. It only has a stove that runs on fire wood, a small gas stove that uses a propane tank, a chopping cylinder for meat, and a wire mesh cabinet to keep bugs away from the food.

Our Grandma's House in Cambodia - Underneath

About Underneath our Grandma's House
Michael Reporting

My grandma’s house is not like the homes in the U.S.A. Because the house is on stilts there is lots of room under it. The family spends a lot of time under the house because its shady and cool. Under the house there is a kitchen table and a resting place for the family kindof like a family room. Under my grandma’s house there are also 2 hammocks and 1 dining table. They like to eat meals under the house.

Our Grandma's House in Cambodia - Inside

About the Inside of Grandma's House
Jeffrey Wright Reporting

Hi! My name is Jeffrey Wright, and I’m reporting about inside Grandma’s house! As you can see, the TV is small, because most people in Cambodia have a poorer life than Americans. The photos in this house have family members that include my mom and dad when they got married and me and my brother and sister when we came in 2005. I felt a little surprised when the picture is there. There is also a portrait of Jesus Christ, because my Grandma and her family are Mormons like me. At the left side of this house are 3 bedrooms and a small bathroom. In most parts in Cambodia like this one, the beds are usually covered with a mosquito net. This room here is a multipurpose room. It is used as a TV room, a living room, a dining room, and a sleeping place. The way these Cambodians sleep is that they get a mattress, surround it with a mosquito net, and get a pillow and blanket. This concludes my report!

Our Grandma's House in Cambodia - Front

Our Grandma’s House in Cambodia
Catherine Reporting

Hello, my name is Catherine Wright and this is my Grandma’ house from the front. As you can see, there are many plants. It is in the Vielsbow Village and is about 10 kilometers outside of Phnom Penh. On some houses, there are stilts because of floods, but at my Grandma’s house it doesn’t flood any more so they turned it into a room.

And here's the house from the back. The back steps are really steep! That's my cousin Tong at the back door.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cambodian Wrights - The Wright Kids Reporting from Cambodia

Welcome everyone to our Cambodian Wrights Website. This blog belongs to our three kids, Jeffrey, Michael, and Catherine, who will be filing various reports on their experiences here in Cambodia. Their father, Wayne, will be teaching at the Royal University of Phnom Penh as a Fulbright Scholar during the Spring 2009 semester. You can read more about this at

Content will be added soon. Please feel free to post comments!