Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Worst Trip to the Beach Ever! (Catherine)

Catherine reporting

It was a cold morning at Toul Tompong. There was a heavy rainstorm last night. After our Uncle Kosal took us to the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), they packed us into a super cold bus, which probably gave me a cold. First, they took us to a school. A not so interesting school that is. After that, they took us to Sihanoukville (Kompong Som), or the beach. Once we got there, we got off at the Seaside Hotel.  We got some lunch across the street. Then we went SWIMMING!! We went for a few hours then we went back to the hotel to clean and rest. Then we went back to the beach for dinner at the restaurant there. It was getting dark, which meant fireworks! Then, I started to complain that my ear hurt, so we went back to the hotel. I still don’t feel so good! Whenever I don’t feel so good, I cry. Once time I cried and mom did not understand why I was crying! So, it was raining that night too.

Not the best trip to the beach.

In the morning, we got some breakfast but unfortunately it was raining so that canceled our boat ride to an island. Once we got onto the freezing cold bus, we wanted to go to a waterfall but the road was blocked. L

Not the best trip to the beach.

Then we made a stop for lunch. And there was a playground there too. It was still raining so we had to stay longer. L When we got back to RUPP, it was raining. But I was happy to be home. Except I did get a cold! I was sick for 3 days.

Not the best trip to the beach!

The End

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